Structuralism and literary criticism this essay is given by Gerard
Genette, who was french literary theory. he was highly concern with Narrative
technique.There are many structuralist critics like, Ferdinand Saussure, Gerard
Genette, Claude – Levi – Strauss, Roland Barthea etc.
We find basic common structure in every
work. And literary work has also common structure like, Birth – Marriage – Death. Here we find marriage is
a climax. To understand structuralism we must understand the tree word sign,
signifier and signified. ign,
signifier and signified.
Sing – sound, Word
Signifier – through sign meaning comes & image pop up in mind
Signified - something already there
There are three fundamental assumptions are:
1. Arbitrary
2. Relational
3. Convent
Here we find Gerard Genets
Narratology includes many sub parts like,
1. Order
2. Duration
3. Voice
4. Mood
5. Frequency
film, any literary texts we find the basic structure, like any Gujarati, Hindi
or English movie structure of movie we find love story is center.
Other Example:
we find any literary text have same
structure. As like, Gujarati novel ‘Malela Jiv’ and English as like, ‘Hamlet’
T.V. serial like, Crime patrol, CID, all have same structure
in their every episode but they just do changes in representing the events.
Another point Saussure
discovered is that the meaning of a sign is arbitrary. The same flower,
say rose, has different names in different languages, but its qualities remain
the same. Saussure points out that a word assumes different meanings
according to the particular structure in which it is a part. When Yeats
sings “Whenever green is found,” it means the Irish flag which is green in
colour. So the word ‘’green” represents patriotism. .
Thank you..........
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