Tuesday, 28 February 2017

The white tiger

Respected sir,

Image result for The white tiger

1.  Arvind Adiga won the man Booker prize in 2008 for his debut novel ‘The white tiger’. 33 years old Adiga is a journalist and author by profession. He is an Australian citizen of Indian origin.

The White tiger is about economic disparity conspicuous in modern Indian society. It tells the pathetic tale of two eras, one that still clings to the old decaying moral values and another that is anxious to accept the fast emerging new moral values.

Balram has caught antihero like complex character who plays many roles like, servant, a car driver, an entrepreneur and the murderer rolled into one in the novel.

This novel creates different India darkness which is focused by the novel. It also trying to dismantle the discrimination between the big bellies and the small bellies and also created principles of equality and justice. So we can say that India is represented very well into the novel.  Because India is also known as poor country that others so the hero Balram  also wants free from the struggling to set free from age old slavery and exploitation. And corruption also described into it.  The novel also provides a darkly comical view of modern day’s life in India though the narration of the protagonist. First we can see the Balram was born into the Dark India who has face many problems like economic, social, and political. So that they can earn better as his father was. So the novel shows dark image of India which is acceptable.

2.  Yes, I am totally agreed with these Ideas that the novel The White tiger is archetypal example of all the novels from ‘rages to riches’
In this novel we will found The Indian family how they were suffering for the better life , Lightness and darkness, Marriage In India, The cast system, India’s relationship to china, Freedom, Individualism, immoral corruption etc.

IF we talk about Balram the protagonist of the novel he struggles allot to fulfill his own dream and existence and for that he has to face many circumstances. A drop out in a village school, Balramreceived titleknowledge as a student. He took a lesson in driving in lieu of a fixed amount. Then he went straight to Dhanbad to the house of the landlord of the village. There he was engaged as a driver cum – servant in the landlord’s family. Balram managed to get the senior driver dismissed and cleared his way to be a driver of the landlord’s son Ashok in Delhi. So here we can see that how Balram wants to remove his self from servitude and wants to be a master by hook or crook so for it he will be able to do anything for the sake of richness. So from rags to riches these things were only possible if anyone can walk into a wrong way. Which will done by Balram by killing Mr. Ashok and such stories were also known as archetypal stories which is related with from rags to riches. Balram who cannot see the stones being thrown at animals is forced by the circumstances to be a murderer. After murdering Ashok he remains upset four weeks and he says…

“I am not a politician or a parliamentarian. Not one of those extraordinary men who can kill and money on, as if nothing had happened. “

But Balram does not lose the soul of nobility even after becoming an entrepreneur in Bangalore. He justifies his choice of murder as he does no other alternative to realize his dream to climb the ladder of success. It also seems as if he wants to take revenge, upon all the masters for the age – old exploitation of their servants.

“It appears to him to be the only means to break the shackles of bondage he is trapped into”

But Balram also said about his success is that “haven’tsucceeded in the struggle that every poor man here should be making the struggle not to take the lashes your father took.”

We can also compare the character of Balram with Macbeth is that Macbeth get nothing by removing from his way to king to king Duncan just like that Balram also get nothing by removing Mr. Ashok from his way. So such stories we will found into all types of the stories as archetypal stories of ‘rags to riches.

3. In the novel we will found many words like ‘half backed Indian’ which related with

“The Autobiography of a Half-Baked Indian.’ That’s what I ought to call my life’s story.”

 The word 'Aporia' and ‘Lacuna also related with the appropriate image of half backed Indian. As the narrator describes himself appropriately. So maybe we can say that in the novel we will found many words which were related with the same ideas which lead us towards deepest meaning which leads us towards the real image of India and also those people who were corrupted. So we can also understand with it is that to release from servitude it is better to remove all the hurdles which comes into our way of progress as half backed Indian.

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