Friday, 27 January 2017

Education and Technology, CALL and Web Tools

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1. We are living into the dynamic era also known as 21st century where without using technology we cannot survive into the world because today practicality is very necessary   part into education as well as in day to day life. Today time and human emergence is very important because time becomes precious   which was a big problem, can solved by using software or technology, it is results benefit for teachers as well as learners.

                            Digitization is also known as digital revolution which can solve every problem. New way of teaching have to learn into new environment so in a dynamic world which is re- rounded by almost endless amount were all technology is into our fingertips. By prevent of technology it has replaced real lasting education? If we talk about mobile   that was also part and past of our body. Because we can keep our all data it causes were we want the same way mobile also use into education.

(2) Main difference of my point of that ‘Using Technology’ is center on simple using technology
or ‘Technology Integration’ center of attention  is  using technology to create and develop new way to learn.. Further many difference of :
Using Technology is delivering to information
Technology Integration is used constructed and build knowledge.
In simple way…Technology Use is when electronically devices of any type is assessable for students to work on, and “use”. Example like…
·         Students can send e-mail to a friend.
·         Students can use their I-pod to listen to music.
·         Students can use the computer to play cards.
 Technology integration takes all of the devices that are available to teachers and makes significant use of them within the classroom. Computer-based tools allow students to learn in a deeper and immediate way. A Teacher can share an author's Web site with young children to help them understand how writers make their stories interesting and fun to read that call integration.

In Last….
*  Using Technology : 
Technology use can be as simple as turning on you I-pod to listen to music. Using technology does not mean to academically gain anything. The use is the act of just doing, without having to think.
*  Technology integration: 
Technology Integration means to use a electronic device to academically learn about something. Integration means to actively engage in learning.

(3) Exmple of : Teachers can integrate blogs by asking students to answer different prompt on their online journals. This will allow students to think about topics that were discussed in class.
The best example in our department Quiz Blog Task..These examples are all uses of technology, but they help to promote the educational growth of a student. These examples allow students’ to learn, and to think about the topics at hand.

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